Chiropractic help
We aim to address the cause of your problem, not just treat your symptoms, and improve your quality of life, getting you back to what your pain has restricted you from doing!
With 50 years of clinical experience between our founding chiropractors we have completed many hours of advanced education.

We aim to address the cause of your problem and not just treat the symptoms. We combine chiropractic treatment with simple, bespoke and researched exercises to help strengthen you, specifically to help minimize the risk of re-injury and to get your body functioning to the best of its ability.
With over 50 years of clinical experience between our 2 chiropractors we offer a wide range of chiropractic techniques including, but not limited to:
- Spinal manipulative therapy (SMT).
- Rehabilitation
- Postural and lifestyle counseling.
- Drop technique.
- Toggle.
- Neuromechanical impulse adjusting ( )
- Dry needling.
- Orthotic therapy.
- Extremity adjusting and taping
- The latest recommendations in home stretching and strengthening specific to your ability and problems.
- Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization (DNS). (
The first visit (40 - 50 minutes)

Anyone can come for treatment with or without a Doctor's referral. Before treatment we will ask you to fill out a medical history form.
The chiropractor will then interview you in order to map out your presenting complaint and treatment goals. They will then examine you using chiropractic, neurological and orthopedic tests to find the cause of your pain and problem. The reason for the pain is not always where the pain is located. For example the most common complaint, low back pain, may indeed originate from the low back but it may also be due to a pelvic, hip, or foot problem, due to repetitive stress (postural or habitual) or even referred from another organ.
There are many possible causes and indeed often more than one cause. This is why we need to examine you to find out.
We will start treatment, on this first session, unless there is a need for further investigation. We have good rapport with many medical professionals and can refer you to the correct one when necessary.
If you have a referral note from your Doctor or exam results
(eg. Xrays , MRI´s, EMNG), please bring the documents to the initial consultation.
The chiropractor will then use all their knowledge, experience and skill to make an individual treatment plan to get you better!
During this initial consultation, we will advise you on as to how we recommend you continue with your treatment- this is very important and is personalized to your goals.
Initial consultation (inc treatment ) 90€
Normal visit (15- 20 mins) 75€
Full time student (under 30 years of age ) 65€
Dry needling (with treatment) +20€
DNS treatment and exercise programme 150€
Additionally, we accept both Edenred and Epassi as payment methods.